Six-Axe Partnership
Name: Six-Axe Consultants
Sector: Software Integrators
Location: Croissy-sur-Seine, Paris.
Six-Axe, and their clients, required independent consultants to carry out diverse projects relating to their Astea Alliance implementations – working on the end client’s site often throughout Europe. In particular, consultants with significant experience in Field Service Management were required, so as to complement the more technical core skillset of Six-Axe.
Over 8 years, Consulting 101 and Six-Axe have worked together with many end user clients to implement, consolidate and exploit Astea Alliance. By being based on end-user sites, we enhance the client relationship which in turn enables us to increase the use of the software, where the client requires it. We guide end clients to follow best practices to ensure their operational processes are fully aligned with the IT systems, and that the systems are fully understood and easily supported.
Each Six-Axe – Consulting 101 – End Client collaboration has resulted in an outcome that achieves its initial objective:–
The End client has improved business processes, a simpler system and one that can be easily supported and upgraded
Six-Axe have a satisfied client with long term future potential
Consulting101 adds to the Six-Axe skills portfolio by bringing our unrivalled experiences of “doing the job” plus our knowledge of the Alliance application, to Six-Axe’s technical skills, access to the editor Astea, and 20+ years’ experience. This benefits all involved including the end clients who are assured of the very best advice and deployment services.